Wednesday, April 23

More pictures of Mexico

Here are some more pics of our trip to mexico. hope you like-

the whole group of us waiting for our ride to go to dinner

just me and sky

just us again

looks a little scarey to me! tanner is enjoying it though. im not so sure james is

our friends little boy fell asleep at a restaurant, so they covered him with napkins! ha ha

Too bad I didn't take more pictures. Maybe when we have kids i will be better about it!

1 comment:

The Henry's said...

hey Traci!! I'm Matt's friend, Jayme. Im not sure if you know me ot not! but i just wanted to say hi! and your blog is so cute!! i was wondering, how did you make the scrapbook-looking picture at the bottom?? im not very good at this whole blogging thing!! anyway, have a good day! :)